Overlooked Things Related to Ecological Overshoot

There are some things that seem completely unrelated to climate change or ecological overshoot that take part in influencing the climate. In this article, we will go over some of them.

The first is population. A lot of people think the main issue with overpopulation is not enough resources. One thing about this some people overlook is that the more people there are, the more people there are to release greenhouse gases (GHGs) and more food is needed (meaning we need to take more natural resources than we should be). Another is more people needing to use water, leading to natural water resources for other species deplete.

Another thing that is heavily overlooked that worsens climate change is a growing economy. Higher economy means more things produced, which leads to more natural resources being used. Another thing that it does is more things being transported, which isn’t good due to the GHGs released from the vehicle that is transporting the goods. It also makes more things being built that require deforestation, and cutting trees releases a lot of CO2. There are a lot more than this, but you get the basic idea.

Another thing is lack of education. A lot of people just go out and do things that release a lot of GHGs like deforestation without realizing its impacts. Or some people just don’t realize how ecological overshoot is a major issue that needs to be handled.

Another thing is our reliance on technology. We rely on technology (including non-electronics) for basically everything these days. These things that are made did require natural resources to be made, which means we are using natural resources to make our lives easier, but other species’ life harder. Plus, a lot of technology like planes and cars release a lot of GHGs just by using them.

In order to successfully deal with these, more people need to be aware and we need to vote for people who agree with this to actually implement laws that achieve these. The more people that aware, the more people that agree, meaning the more people that will vote for those that want to shrink the economy. In the 2024 election, one great example is Dave Gardner. Ecological overshoot was his primary concern, and he believed that population and our economy both need to shrink, which is 100% correct based on the things listed here. So if you ever notice anybody who prioritizes dealing ecological overshoot, consider voting for them, especially if they are popular like Biden or Kamila.


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