Author: Isaac Tate

  • Climate Survival II: Hurricanes

    First, let’s talk about what a hurricane actually is. A hurricane is a type of storm that is known as a tropical cyclone. It is the exact same thing as a cyclone and typhoon. The name just depends on the geographical location of the tropical cyclone. In order for it to form, it needs water…

  • How Climate Change is Affecting Global Weather Patterns

    In this article, we will talk about how climate change is altering the weather patterns around the world. It has already altered the weather patterns in many ways, and there are a lot more to come. As you may have noticed, there have been more frequent and severe extreme weather events (floods, hurricanes, droughts, etc.)…

  • How Climate Change is Affecting Ocean Ecosystems and Marine Life

    Climate change has been affecting ocean ecosystems and marine life in many different ways that people don’t realize. In this article, we will explore some examples of how climate change affects these. First off, the ocean is warming by a lot. Greenhouse gases (GHGs) trap the heat in the earth. The more GHGs in the…

  • Why Deforestation is a Global Threat

    Us humans constantly remove forests, usually to make more land available for building houses or some other building. This is not just bad for the things living in the forests, but it is also bad for the planet. In this article, we will explore how deforestation is a global threat. First off, it ends the…

  • Overlooked Things Related to Ecological Overshoot

    There are some things that seem completely unrelated to climate change or ecological overshoot that take part in influencing the climate. In this article, we will go over some of them. The first is population. A lot of people think the main issue with overpopulation is not enough resources. One thing about this some people…

  • Adapting to Climate Change

    In this post, we will talk about how to adapt to the climate crisis. By adapt, I mean how to overcome the outcomes of climate change and making it so that they don’t stop you from doing things you would do if climate change wasn’t so bad. This will mainly be helpful for those who…

  • What will happen as the world gets hotter?

    You might be wondering the things that will happen as the earth gets hotter. In this post, we will go over the outcomes of specific temperature increases and their potential effects. 1°C: This isn’t super bad, but also not good. This mainly lead to more severe heatwaves, which lead to things like droughts and desertification.…

  • Climate Survival I: Heatwaves

    Every Wednesday, I am going to make a tutorial on how to survive an affect of climate change. Today, it is about surviving heatwaves. First off, what is a heatwave? According to the NOAA, it is “a period of unusually hot weather that typically lasts two or more days” and this can be an issue.…

  • The Effects of Climate Change

    In my last post, I said that the effects of climate change are bad. In this post, I am going to explain what the effects of climate change (both direct and indirect), how climate change causes them, and some of the outcomes of the effect. First, let’s talk about warming temperatures. As mentioned in the…

  • What is Climate Change?

    Most of us have heard of climate change at one point in our life. But what exactly is climate change? In this post, we will explore what climate change is, both on a high level and a low level. First, let’s go over the basics. According to the UN, climate change is “long-term shifts in…